The CSIC promotes an interdisciplinary platform against empty Spain

The Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) has put into operation a thematic platform that, under the name Alcinder, intends to become an instrument for transferring scientific knowledge to society to develop entrepreneurship initiatives based on research, development and innovation ( R + D + i) in order to contribute to fixing population in geographic areas punished by the abandonment of the rural.

For this, it has the collaboration of companies from various productive sectors and there are 16 groups of the CSIC itself which under the coordination of Dr. Carmen Martínez, responsible for the Viticulture Group of the Biological Mission of Galicia (MBG-CSIC), and the researcher José Luis Santiago is part of this project.

The scope of action in principle includes the communities of Castill and León, Asturia and Galicia, but the objective is to extend it to the areas with more Spanish depopulation. “Previous scientific studies have allowed us to demonstrate the existence of a large agricultural heritage unknown and even abandoned in depopulated rural areas with possibilities of valorization through the development of farms and sustainable industries of high economic performance,” explains Dr. Carmen Martínez, pointing out that The ultimate goal is to provide alternatives for the creation of profitable micro-industries that combine cutting-edge technology, natural, agricultural and livestock resources, culture, landscape and human capital.

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