The Regional Government of Castilla y León has updated the Order regulating the potential of viticultural production with the aim of improving its application so that the wine sector of the region continues to occupy a strategic position.
The modification of the European and national regulatory framework in vitivinicultural matters has motivated the updating of the autonomous legislation regarding the system of authorizations for vineyard plantation, implemented on January 1, 2016. In this way, in order to favor the development of the sector , this new Order that is published today the Official Gazette of Castilla y León (Bocyl) strengthens the regulation of this system with three different ways to process the authorizations of vineyard plantation: by the conversion of a current plantation right to December 31 of 2015 in a planting authorization, by starting a vineyard area to obtain a replanting authorization or by obtaining a new planting authorization granted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food upon request.
In addition, the possibility of obtaining vineyard planting authorizations through the conversion of planting rights held by the vine grower is maintained, provided that it is requested before December 31, 2020, and can be requested at any time during the wine growing season. .
In order to facilitate and speed up the processing of the files, the published Order opens the period for submitting applications for replanting and early replanting of the vineyard to the entire wine campaign, that is, from August 1 to July 31 of the following year .
New plantations
In the case of applications for new plantations, interested parties may submit them between January 15 and the last day of February of each year. In addition, a maximum limit of five hectares of admissible area per applicant is established so that the new surface granted can reach a greater number of wine growers.
This regulation also includes changes in the eligibility requirements and priority criteria for access to these concessions, such as being a small and medium-sized producer.
Administrative and telematic simplification
With the intention of facilitating the administrative tasks to the citizens, the new regulation allows to request of joint form the authorization of replantación and the aid to the plans of restructuring and reconversion of vineyard. It is also implemented the possibility of submitting applications electronically through the electronic register of the Castilla y León Board, as well as electronic notification to interested parties.
In addition, from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock is scheduled to soon prepare the Electronic Viticultural Record so that all growers can access the updated data of their farm.